Microorganisms (Mar 2020)
Litterbox—A gnotobiotic Zeolite-Clay System to Investigate Arabidopsis–Microbe Interactions
Plants are colonised by millions of microorganisms representing thousands of species withvarying effects on plant growth and health. The microbial communities found on plants arecompositionally consistent and their overall positive effect on the plant is well known. However,the effects of individual microbiota members on plant hosts and vice versa, as well as the underlyingmechanisms, remain largely unknown. Here, we describe “Litterbox”, a highly controlled system toinvestigate plant−microbe interactions. Plants were grown gnotobiotically, otherwise sterile, onzeolite-clay, a soil replacement that retains enough moisture to avoid subsequent watering.Litterbox-grown plants resemble greenhouse-grown plants more closely than agar-grown plantsand exhibit lower leaf epiphyte densities (106 cfu/g), reflecting natural conditions. Apolydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) sheet was used to cover the zeolite, significantly lowering thebacterial load in the zeolite and rhizosphere. This reduced the likelihood of potential systemicresponses in leaves induced by microbial rhizosphere colonisation. We present results of exampleexperiments studying the transcriptional responses of leaves to defined microbiota members andthe spatial distribution of bacteria on leaves. We anticipate that this versatile and affordable plantgrowth system will promote microbiota research and help in elucidating plant-microbe interactionsand their underlying mechanisms.