Fontes Linguae Vasconum (Dec 2010)

Artzibarko aldaera deitu izanaren inguruan (3 - Ipar-Artzibarko laginak Hiriberri

  • Koldo Artola

Journal volume & issue
no. 112
pp. 5 – 50


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Oraingo aldi honetan 1971 eta 1983 urteen arteko denboran Artzibarko Hiriberriko lagun batzuei bildu genizkien datu batzuk dakartzagu hona, aldizkari honen 103 eta 104 zk.etan hasiriko lanari jarraipena emanez, beti ere L.L. Bonaparteren euskalki-sailkapena gogoan. Berriemaile hauen euskararekiko gaitasuna egoera desberdinean zegoen; honela, horietako batek erraztasunez hitz egiten bazuen ere –kanpotiko kutsaduraren bat gorabehera–, haren lehengusina ia ez zen gauza esaldi pare bat gutxieneko duintasunez osatzeko. Datuok, baina, iragan XX. mendearen hasierarako, jada, bazter-euskara bilakatua zen mintzamolde honen higadura zeinen handia izan zen kontuan harturik, ez ditugu ez ahaztekorik ez gutxiestekorik. Lehenago ere esanik gaude berriemaile hauek adieraziriko zalantza, etenaldi eta gabeziak euskaraz luzaro mintzatu gabe egon izatearen ondorio zuzena direla. Bihotz zabaleko lagunoi, beraz, eskerrik beroenak ematea dagokigu, guri erakutsi abegikotasuna dela-eta. On this occasion, we offer data collected from informants from Hiriberri (Villanueva de Artze) between 1971 and 1983 in order to lend continuity to the work initiated in issues 103 and 104 of this journal, taking as a basis the dialectal classification of Prince L. L. Bonaparte. The speech of these informants was of different levels –from one who spoke fluently, albeit with the odd strange influence, to one who could barely construct a minimally coherent sentence any more–, but not for that should they be overlooked or dismissed, even less so considering the rampant regression of the language which, in this and neighbouring valleys, was already extremely weak at the beginning of the XX century. We have previously commented that the doubts, hesitation and shortcomings revealed in these conservations are a direct consequence of having spent a long time without conversing in Basque. We cannot, therefore, but warmly thank all our good, patient, obliging friends.