Технічна інженерія (Jun 2023)
Vortices with laminar and turbulent flow patterns in anisotropic media
The study develops and describes, in general, new models and devices of energy converters. The proposed devices operate on the basis of a rectangular parallelepiped with length a, height b, and width c ( ) made of anisotropic material. The selected crystallographic axes of the mentioned material are located in the side face (a×b) of a rectangular plate, and one of the crystallographic axes is inclined at a certain angle γ to length a. The method of energy transformation is based on the effect of polarization of the volume of such an anisotropic plate and the appearance as a longitudinal one , and transverse components of the vortex energy field. In the first case, a unipolar anisotropic material characterized by a second-rank tensor is used to make anisotropic platinum . All tensor coefficients are positive . When the proper boundary conditions are met, vortices with a laminar flow character are formed in the volume of a unipolar anisotropic medium. In the case of counter-electric E, magnetic H, gravitational G fields and flows, electric current I and heat flow Q, an energy conversion coefficient of which does not exceed 1 (m ≤ 1) is observed. For the case of bipolar anisotropic materials, when the boundary conditions are met, energy vortices are formed, characterized by a turbulent flow pattern. Such a bipolar anisotropic material is described by a second-rank tensor . We consider the case when one of the coefficients of the tensor is negative . Turbulent energy vortices, interacting with the external environment, make it possible to obtain a conversion factor significantly greater than 1 ( ). In general, this significantly expands the existing capabilities and leads to the emergence of new methods and energy conversion devices created on them.