Zanco Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (Aug 2024)

One-Dimensional Electrical Resistivity Prospecting for Small Dam Projects: A case Study Smaquli Dam, East Erbil City, Kurdistan Region of Iraq

  • Fadhil Ali Ghaib

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 36, no. 4


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Abstract: This study employs the One-Dimensional Vertical Electrical Resistivity technique to elucidate the subsurface stratigraphy and structures beneath the axis and abutments of the suggested Smaquli dam, situated to the east of Erbil City in Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). Three traverses were conducted using a Schlumberger array. Data interpretation was performed using the Russian commercial software, IPI2WIN. Each measurement point featured a maximum total electrode spread ranging from 400-600m, reaching an investigation depth of 130m to 150m. The inter-distance between successive measurement points varied from 16m to 17.5m. Geo-electrical sections were generated by interpreting the data, revealing three distinct lithological groups: alluvial deposits (upper first group) with a thickness ranging from 3 to 10 meters, marl and marly limestone of the Shiranish Formation (second group) with thickness ranging from 18 up to 110 meters, and dolomitic limestone of the Bekhme Formation (third group) which its thickness is not defined. These lithological groups exhibited significant resistivity contrasts, rendering the resistivity method effective for delineating their interfaces. The resistivity of the upper horizon ranged from 18 to 136 Ω·m, the second horizon exhibited values between 19 and 304 Ω·m, while the lower third horizon showed high resistivity values ranging from 97 to over 50000 Ω.m.. The relatively low resistivity values of the lower horizon (Bekhme Formation) are interpreted as fractured and water-saturated limestones, whereas the high values are indicative of bituminous material. A correlation was established between the geo-electrical sections and borehole geologic columns, demonstrating consistency in indicating the presence of two rock units within the uppermost 20m, which corresponds to the borehole depth.
