Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia (Dec 2008)

Utilização das recomendações de nutrientes para estimar prevalência de consumo insuficiente das vitaminas C e E em gestantes Using recommended intakes to estimate the prevalence of insufficient consumption of vitamin C and E by pregnant women

  • Maíra Barreto Malta,
  • Maria Antonieta de Barros Leite Carvalhaes,
  • Cristina Maria Garcia Lima Parada,
  • José Eduardo Corrente

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 4
pp. 573 – 583


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Na gestação ocorrem adaptações que conduzem a um aumento da taxa metabólica basal, caracterizando um estado de alto nível de estresse oxidativo, tornando relevante a avaliação do consumo de nutrientes antioxidantes por mulheres grávidas. Este estudo teve como objetivo estimar a prevalência de consumo insuficiente das vitaminas C e E em gestantes assistidas em serviços públicos de saúde. Estudou-se amostra (n=107) representativa das mulheres no segundo trimestre gestacional atendidas durante o pré-natal nas unidades de atenção básica do município de Botucatu/SP. O consumo foi investigado mediante dois inquéritos recordatórios de 24 horas. Para estimar a prevalência de inadequação de consumo na população, foi utilizado o método EAR como ponto de corte. Diferenças de consumo (em tercis) em relação a fatores socioeconômicos, obstétricos e hábitos de vida foram pesquisadas mediante análise estratificada, adotando-se pThe changes that occur during pregnancy lead to an increase in the basal metabolic rate, which characterizes a high oxidative-stress condition, thus making the evaluation of the intake of antioxidant nutrients by pregnant women a relevant issue. This study aimed at estimating the prevalence of insufficient intake of vitamin C and E by pregnant women assisted by public healthcare services. A representative sample (n=107) of women in the second gestational trimester was studied. Such women's prenatal care was provided by basic healthcare units in the city of Botucatu/SP. Intake was investigated by two 24-hour recalls. The EAR method was adopted as cutoff point in order to estimate the prevalence of intake inadequacy in the population. Intake differences (in terciles) in relation to social, economic and obstetric factors as well as lifestyle were investigated by means of stratified analysis and by adopting a level of significance of p<0.05. The prevalence rates estimated for the insufficient intake of vitamins C and E were 60% and 91.5%, respectively. There was an inverse association between vitamin E intake and parity, and the intake of vitamin C was lower among adolescents as compared to adults. Such results indicate the need for individual and collective interventions in order to promote and support the consumption of healthy food by women at childbearing age. The conclusion is that the prevalence of inadequate intake is high and presents no social or economic contrasts.
