Ovidius University Annals: Economic Sciences Series (Dec 2022)
The post-COVID Economic Crisis and its Major Influences in the Economic Activity of Firms
The global coronavirus pandemic has triggered an unprecedented crisis, creating economic and financial challenges for economic activities in Romania, but also around the world. Faced with strong reactions at the level of activities, companies have found themselves forced to take exceptional measures to maintain, maintain and maintain the financial stability of the country. The high rates of inflation, restrictive financial conditions and unfavorable influences that were directly related to the demand and supply of raw materials, materials, goods, services had repercussions for all companies in the Romanian economy. The sustainable vulnerabilities generated by the pandemic have presented risks at the level of smooth functioning for all activities regardless of their nature. This study presents a comparison of the evolution of performance indicators for companies from different sectors of activity in optimal operating conditions and during the pandemic, highlighting the major influences of the crisis for economic activities.