Dental Research Journal (Jan 2012)
Recharge pattern of contemporary glass ionomer restoratives
Background: As glass ionomers have the ability to reload fluoride from outside sources, the aim was to compare the recharge pattern of six glass ionomer cements after exposure to fluoride. Materials and Methods: Fuji VII, Fuji IX, Riva Pink, Riva Bleach, Ketac Fil and Fuji IX Extra were investigated. The fluoride-containing materials used were tooth paste and mouth wash (Colgate). Specimens of each material (n=15) were immersed separately in deionized water for 59 days. Then the samples of each material were divided into three groups of five each. Two groups were recharged for 2, 20 and 60 min daily during three consecutive weekly intervals and then no treatment for one week. The third group was used as control. Fluoride release measurements (μg/cm 2 /day) were made in every 24 h. One-way and repeated measures analysis of variance tests were used. Results: Tooth paste recharged materials showed higher level of recharge. On day 1, the difference of fluoride release from different treatment groups of different materials except for Fuji IX Extra were not significant (P>0.05). On days 7 and 14, the differences observed were significant (P<0.05) for all materials except for Fuji VII (tooth paste versus mouth wash) and Trial Fuji IX (mouth wash versus control) and on day 14 for Rvia Pink (mouth wash versus control). On days 21 and 28, the differences observed were significant for all the materials (P<0.05) except for Riva Pink (toothpaste versus mouth wash), Riva Bleach, Ketac Fil and Trial FujiI X (mouth wash versus control) on day 28. Conclusion: A time tabled schedule of application of fluoride-containing materials could help to achieve high fluoride release.