Edukasia (May 2020)


  • Anggun Firdaus,
  • Mukhlison Effendi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 2


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Abstract: The research at SD Ma'arif Ponorogo is motivated by the existence of several students who have not understood the meaning of Dhuha prayer holistically both technically and substantively, even though the practice of Dhuha prayer has been going on for a long time. This is very interesting to be studied in depth. This research approach is qualitative with the type of case study. The results of the study found: (1) The implementation of Dhuha prayers at Ma'arif Ponorogo Elementary School was carried out every day from grade III to VI at the NU large mosque, except for class VI, the constraints of some students were lacking, (2) students' understanding of Dhuha prayer was etymologically still, but in the benefits of students being able to feel calmness, enthusiasm in learning, focus on learning and quickly understand the material being taught. (3) The implications of Dhuha prayer on students' personality are time discipline, responsibility, and independence. Abstrak: Penelitian di SD Ma`arif Ponorogo ini dilatar belakangi adanya beberapa siswa belum memahami makna shalat Dhuha secara holistik baik secara tekinis maupun subtantif, padahal pembiasaan shalat Dhuha sudah lama berlangsung. Ha ini sangat menarik untuk diteliti secara mendalam. Pendekatan penelitian ini kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menemukan: (1) Pelaksanaan shalat Dhuha di SD Ma’arif Ponorogo dilakukan setiap hari mulai kelas III sampai VI di Masjid besar NU, kecuali kelas VI, kendalanya sebagian siswa kurang, (2) Pemahaman siswa mengenai shalat Dhuha masih secara etimologis, tetapi dalam manfaat siswa mampu merasakan ketenangan hati, semangat dalam belajar, fokus terhadap pembelajaran dan cepat memahami materi yang diajarkan. (3) Implikasi shalat Dhuha terhadap kepribadian siswa adalah disiplin waktu, tanggung jawab, dan mandiri.
