Архитектон (Mar 2024)

Comparative analysis of architectural and landscape solutions of the Norra Djurgårdsstaden district in Stockholm and the residential complex “Scandinavia” in New Moscow

  • Dormidontova Victoria V.,
  • Arkharova Anna A.,
  • Nedel’nitsina Ekaterina V.



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The reorganization of industrial clusters, the development of new territories attached to cities is a dynamic process of expansion, development and improvement of urban spaces in modern conditions. This process is typical for both European capitals and the largest cities in Russia. The article provides a comparative description of the architectural and landscape solutions of the implemented projects of development and improvement of the North Jurgardstaden district in Stockholm (Sweden) and the residential complex “Scandinavia” in New Moscow (Russia). Similar climatic conditions of the two capitals, the presence of complex terrain and water bodies in the built-up areas made it possible to study the techniques of the so-called Scandinavian "style" on the basis of architectural and landscape analysis of these urban quarters. The study of the functional organization, architectural and landscape solutions, spatial and coloristic expressiveness of the North Jurgardstaden district in Stockholm and the Skandinavia residential complex in New Moscow allowed us to critically evaluate the copying of design solutions without taking into account the specifics, urban context and scale of a specific territory.
