RUDN Journal of Law (Dec 2014)
Sports law and order in Russia and abroad
The article sifts various approaches to the definition of the category «law and order», it gives some examples of branches of law. It proposes such kind of branch of law as sports law and order. For the first time the author considers the structure of sports law and order and its structural elements. He focuses on the following elements: 1) regulations of law, concerning sports relations. These regulations are in laws, by-laws and laws adopted by public sports organizations; 2) subjects (participants) of sports law and order. The article proposes to refer volunteers, inspectors and law enforcement agencies to traditional subjects of sports relations. The author stands for creating a special unit of the Internal Affairs agencies -sports police; 3) rights and obligations of subjects (participants) of sports law and order. The rights and obligations of separate subjects (participants) sports law and order, enshrined in law; 4) sense o justice and monitoring formation, functioning, improvement of sports law and order. Based on the works of leading experts in the field of sports law and order the author concludes that establishing limits of government interference in the sphere of sport and improvement of mechanisms of interaction between state and community sports organizations are key factors. The article also provides a comparative analysis of individual elements of sports law in Russia and abroad.