Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Global Open (Aug 2024)
Predicting Nerve Course Variations to Prevent Iatrogenic Lesions: A Surgical Perspective on Sural Nerve Variations
Background:. There are several documented variations of the sural nerve noted within the literature. This cadaveric study was conducted to provide a surgical perspective to either directly addressing the sural nerve, or avoiding it depending on the injury or pathology being surgically addressed. Methods:. Twenty-five preserved cadaveric limbs were dissected from the popliteal fossa to the foot. Three locations of the course of the sural nerve data were analyzed. The first location (M1) was from the head of the fibula to the sural nerve. The second location (M3) was from 2.54 cm proximal to the distal tip of the lateral malleolus to the sural nerve. The third location (M2) was from the shaft of the fibula at the halfway point between measurements 1 and 2 to the course of the sural nerve. The types of variations were noted as well, compared to previous studies, highlighting the abundance of sural nerve variations in the lower limb that clinicians and surgeons need to be aware of and ready to address. Results:. The sural nerve courses 4.6 cm posterior from the fibula at the proximal fibula and mid fibula and 4.5 cm at the distal fibula. The 25 sural nerve variations are not reflective of what has been previously published in the literature. Conclusion:. The data can be utilized in preoperative planning in addressing or avoiding the sural nerve involving the posterior superficial compartment of the leg.