Revista de Políticas Públicas (Jan 2014)
RESPONSIVIDADE E CONSCIÊNCIA POLÍTICA: posicionamento de universitários brasileiros diante de temas como pagamento de impostos e obtenção de melhorias
The study take as reference a research with a group of 72 students of law from a private university in the state of São Paulo, whom was asked to answer the question: "Do you agree that when you – or someone in your family - pay taxes, services as public health, education public security services get better? Why? The aim of this study is to determine how the subjects see the relationship between tax collection in Brazil and its implementation in the distribution of public goods and services and how they understand the responsible role of the citizen is this process. Exposes the conflict between of what the government says about the building of citizenship in the country and what the students really understand about their role in this context was expressed in answers that students do not realize that the participation of the citizen goes beyond the payment of taxes, and they do not perceive the dialectical tension between governments and individual as entities that must interact in a complex process in which exist language, values and beliefs that will support the semiotic web that build the day-by-day life of man in contemporary democratic society.