Muhandisī-i bihdāsht-i ḥirfah/ī (Sep 2017)
The study of the effects of ergonomic interventions in a Steel Company
Introdaction: Musculoskeletal disorders MSDs is one of the most common causes of occupational injuries and disability in industrialized nations and developing countries. Musculoskeletal disorders have a high economic losses. . Musculoskeletal disorders not only impact on individuals, but also on organizations and community. Methods: This interventional study was conducted in the Tundish and Slide gate workstations of a steel company. To assess workers’ postures, the REBA and ManTRA technique were applied before and after the intervention. After data analysis, corrective engineering measures implemented in two mentioned workstations. Results: The findings showed a 63% and 64% reduction in risk level at Tandish and Slide Gate stations using the REBA method and a 47% and 56% reduction in ManTRA cumulative risk score at the Tandish and Slide Gate stations. Also data analysis showed that mean intensity of risk level score in the Tandish and Slide Gate stations using the REBA and ManTRA technique before and after the intervention were significant. Conclusions: The simultaneous use of the ManTRA and REBA methods is beneficial for occupations which the entire body is involved and more activity is manual as well as Occupations that work duration is important and limitation each method will be minimized using another method.