Engineering and Technology Journal (Apr 2009)

Simulation Study 0f 802.11b DCF Using OPNET Simulator

  • Mohammad Hussian Ali,
  • Manal Kadhim Odah

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 27, no. 6
pp. 1108 – 1117


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A simulation study of an IEEE 802.11b which is the most important standard forwireless local area networks was presented in this paper. The simulation is conducted usingOPNET IT Guru Academic Edition 9.1. Wireless network performance depends mainly onthe end to end throughput and average delay. Different applications place differentrequirements on the network. Thus, it is necessary to evaluate and analysis the performanceof IEEE 802.11b WLAN system under the fundamental access mechanism for mediumaccess control (MAC) called distributed coordination function (DCF).This can achieve bystudying the impact of parameters such as Request to Send/ Clear to Send (RTS/CTS),Fragmentation Threshold (FTS) and discuss the best configurations and parameters value incorrespondence to network load and topology to get best performance which is the mainobjective of this paper.
