Chemical Engineering Transactions (Jun 2023)
Microbial Cellulose Production with Tomato (solanum Lycopersicum) Residue for Industrial Applications
Bacterial cellulose (BC) is a natural polymer synthesized in a pure manner by different kinds of microorganisms. It is a material with a three-dimensional (3D) nanofibrillary network that has interesting chemical and mechanical properties. Due to its high polymeric degree and its characteristics, it can be applied in several technological fields, such as filtration membranes, packages, cosmetics, textile, and other industries. The usage possibility of agro-industrial residues as alternative nutrients source is a great economic advantage to not only lower BC production costs but also to improve its yield and diminish the disposal of such residues. This work used the bacteria Komagataeibacter hansenii UCP1619, which was cultivated on alternative cultivation media, which were modified based on the standard media Hestrim-Schramm (HS). The best media was selected according to its cost benefit and BC’s growth yield. The pellicles were obtained after 14 days incubation time. Flexibility and water holding capacity were calculated. It can be concluded that the production media modification with tomato extract resulted in a cost reduction of 76% on the used liquid media, with a great biocellulose production. This modification is ideal for its use in applications that require a denser fiber distribution, such as in emulsified effluent filtrations.