Findings (Feb 2021)

Can you Park your Scooter There? Why Scooter Riders Mispark and What to do about it

  • Anne Brown,
  • Nicholas J. Klein,
  • Calvin Thigpen


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Policymakers, the media, and the public often view e-scooters as sidewalk clutter. While research suggests that concerns about misparked scooters are overblown, understanding why travelers mispark could inform interventions to increase parking compliance. We surveyed 391 international scooter users and find that few (9%) reported ever misparking, while another 19 percent were unsure. Our findings suggest that riders are largely unfamiliar with local parking regulations; instead, they define parking correctness based on an intuitive concern over impeding access of other travelers. According to respondents, in-app reminders, additional infrastructure, signage, and fines would be the most effective interventions to improve parking compliance.