Revista Colombiana de Ciencia Animal Recia (Jan 2017)
Bats associated to the campus of the University of Cordoba, Montería, Colombia
The objective of this study was determined the richness, abundance and the use of refuges by bats associated to an urban area, the University of Cordoba in the Montería City, Colombia. Two methods were used, review of refuges from February 2011 to October 2015 and capture with mist nets of 6x3 m between the months of August and November of 2014, and the months of May, June, August and October 2015, the nets were located between 18:00 and 24:00 hours. The methods complementarity allowed the registration of 113 individuals distribuited in ten species, nine genera and four families. The family Phyllostomidae and Molossidae were recorded by mist nets and revision of refuges, the families Emballonuridae and Noctilionidae only in the revision of refuges. For trophic guilds found greater representativity of guild frugivorous with four species, followed by insectivores (3), nectarivores (1), omnivores (1) and piscivores (1). This suggests that areas anthropic with structural complexity as the campus of the University of Córdoba allowed the maintenance of species associated with the supply of food and shelters.