Paidagogos (Aug 2017)
The Coincidence of Opposites in Thomas Merton and Zhuangzi: A Case Study On How Professors Can Effectively Use the Language of Paradoxes in the Classroom at the University Level
This paper examines the importance of paradoxes using the mystical language of Merton and Zhuangzi. The purpose of this study is to illustrate how the language of paradoxes used by Merton and Zhuangzi can serve as a case study on how professors and students may discuss apparent verbal or written contradictions at the university level. The methodology I follow is the one being used in the American Academy of Religion which combines areas in the humanities and the social sciences; that is to say, my approach in this article it is very interdisciplinary. The real benefit of using paradoxical statements in a classroom is to allow students to deal with complex ideas or concepts and to understand how the apparent contradictions can he held in creative synthesis providing a new level of cognitive and spiritual awareness of reality. In this article I show how the mystical language of paradoxes can help professors and students possibly to go beyond the Aristotelian principle of non- contradiction and look at paradoxes as an alternative way to discuss concepts or ideas that cannot be understood simply as either/or; rather, in a sense, they transcend the traditional canons of Western logic.