Pakistan Journal of Medicine and Dentistry (May 2024)
Analyzing Professional Well-being: The Intersection of Demographics, Work-Life Balance and Job Satisfaction
Background: Work-life balance (WLB) is a multifaceted and contemporary phenomenon where individuals strive to attain balance among their personal, professional, and social domains but haven’t received significant consideration. This study aimed to investigate and comprehend the impact of demographics on WLB and work satisfaction amongst medical and dental practitioners. Method: An observational, cross-sectional study was performed between medical and dental practitioners in Karachi from January to March 2023. The questionnaire consisted of demographics, work details, work satisfaction-related questions, and psychological and support questions, which were evaluated using a 3-point Likert scale. Analysis was done using SPSS software version 26 with a p<0.05. The chi-square test and Pearson correlation test were employed to observe the association pattern. Results: A total of 383 out of 385 responses (99.4%) were included in the study. Females in the study were 51.3% and males were 48.7%. Of those who belonged to the dental department 71% and 29% belonged to the medical department. In this sample, variables such as marital status (p=0.044), department (p<0.001), and dependents (p=0.010) were found to be significant with WLB score. In contrast, gender (p=0.032), marital status (p=0.022), and dependents (p<0.001) were significant in work satisfaction scores. Conclusion: A notable correlation was observed between demographics with work-life balance (WLB). Institutions are encouraged to prioritize initiatives that increase awareness among their staff and nurture a stress-free environment to enhance well-being, contributing to individual satisfaction and organizational growth.