الرافدین للحقوق (May 2019)
Electronic sales document -A comparative study-
Although comparative laws are devoid of a definition of an electronic international sale document،yet we،through investigation،have arrived at the following definition"It is an electronic written act of a sale contact whose object is movable goods or goods which are ready to be transferred between two states or more. This written act is established،merged،stored ،sent or received totally or partially through electronic means".If the legal regulation of the electronic international sale document is distributed among the laws of electronic transactions on the one hand and the laws of business on the other hand،then the laws of comparative electronic transactions are derived from the laws of typical Onestrol of electronic signatures and electronic business and the proof is the identity of their provisions with them. Through investigation it is evident that electronic writing in the electronic international sale contract is not a condition for proving contract only،but it is also،above all،a formal element for concluding it ،for without electronic writing we cannot speak about the existence of an electronic contract document،since that the international sale contract is characterised by an electronic attribute means that it is electronically written on an electronic prop .Consequently،it cannot be said that there is an electronic contract unless the contract is conveyed by this formula.