Data in Brief (Aug 2017)

Enhancing data visualisation to capture the simulator sickness phenomenon: On the usefulness of radar charts

  • Romain Chaumillon,
  • Thomas Romeas,
  • Charles Paillard,
  • Delphine Bernardin,
  • Guillaume Giraudet,
  • Jean-François Bouchard,
  • Jocelyn Faubert

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13
pp. 301 – 305


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The data presented in this article are related to the research article entitled “The use of transdermal scopolamine to solve methodological issues raised by gender differences in susceptibility to simulator sickness” (Chaumillon et al., 2017) [1]. In an outstanding first demonstration, Kennedy et al. [2] showed that the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ) is an appropriate tool to suit the purposes of characterizing motion sickness experienced in virtual environments. This questionnaire has since been used in many scientific studies. Recently, Balk et al. [3] suggested that the proposed segregation of SSQ scores into three subclasses of symptoms might limit the accuracy of simulator sickness assessment. These authors performed a factor analysis based on SSQ scores obtained from nine studies on driving simulators. Although their factor analysis resulted in the same three orthogonal classes of symptoms as Kennedy et al. [2], unlike this pioneering study, no items were attributed to more than one factor and five items were not attributed to any class of symptoms. As a result, they claimed that an exploration of each item score should give additional cues on individual profiles. To gain a better characterization of such item-by-item exploration, data utilised in this research are shown using a radar chart visualisation. Keywords: Simulator sickness, Radar charts, Driving