RUDN Journal of Medicine (Sep 2010)
Use of plasmapheresis in women with placenta insufficiency after IVF
The effect of plasmapheresis is studied at placentary insufficiency at 60 women after IVF with placenta isufficiency. The age of investigated women was from 26 to 42 years, average 34,6 ± 4,2 years. Among which 30 pregnant treated traditionally, 30 pregnant were treated by plasmapheresis and in combination with traditionally. Plasmapheresis (PA) performed discontinuous way. Eksfuziyu blood produced by cubital vein puncture into plastic bags «Gemafon 500» with anticoagulant-preservative glyugitsir. The amount of disposable eksfuzii of 450-500 ml of blood. In general, conducted 3 courses of treatment, at intervals of 3-4 days, under the dynamic performance of clinical and laboratory data. The result of our investigation showed that plasmapheresis and in combination with traditionally, permits to improve the indications of fetoplacental system and promotes favorable perinatal outcome and pregnancy, labors complication reduced. Researches have shown that plasmapheresis, considerably improves a fetus condition to what the, of USI, Doppler ultrasound and perinatal effects testifies. Improvement of maternal and perinatal outcomes is noted. Plasmapheresis is a prospective method of treatment allowing to, decrease medicinal loading on maternal and fetal organisms, to improve uterine- and feto-placental circulation, to lower an incidence of complications of pregnancy and delivery.