臺灣教育社會學研究 (Jun 2006)
教育批判研究的系譜學分析:一種後殖民的閱讀 Genealogical Analysis of Critical Studies in Education: A Postcolonial Reading
本文針對教育批判研究進行系譜學分析,指出這些理論一方面運用權力概念作為理解和批判教育實際的方式,另一方面卻也出現了權力/知識共生的矛盾。同時,並說明臺灣教育領域也無法避免陷入此論述當中。最後試圖提出一種面對此文化殖民過程的可能態度。 The paper analyzes critical studies in education from the perspective of Foucault’s genealogy. Critical studies in education tend to take “power” as a concept to understand and criticize reality of education. The tendency, on one hand, reveals the paradox between power and knowledge. Educational research field in Taiwan, on the other hand, inevitably gets involved in the paradoxical discourse of critical studies. Finally, the paper attempts to point out a possible attitude to face the process of cultural colonization.