Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat (Sep 2018)
A közelre mutató ez névmás anaforikus kifejtő szerkezetekben és a diszkurzív kontinuitás fokozatai
Proximal demonstratives as anaphors normally have antecedents that are non-topics in the preceding sentence. Though this typical usage of the demonstrative (1) has rules and tendencies to obey and (2) is not exclusive as in Hungarian the demonstrative can also refer to the topic of the previous sentence. The typical usage correlates with the role of the anaphor as grammatical focus and is also controlled by semantic and/or strategic-pragmatic rules and tendencies, in accord with the double function of the demonstrative to contrast and to identify. The pronoun influences discourse continuity: the anaphor referring to the non-topic antecedent can signal a speaker’s comment to the discourse theme and the anaphor referring to the topic antecedent then again signals a new discourse theme. This paper discusses these rules and tendencies concerning the direct, indirect and complex anaphors respectively.