Системные гипертензии (Dec 2014)
Role of the Pulse Oximetry in the cardiologist's practice
The study had two phases: the first phase of exploring the possibility of a computer pulse oximetry as a screening method for the diagnosis of respiratory disorders during sleep in patients with cardiac profile in steady-state conditions, the second - a screening study of prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea in the same category of patients. In a comparative study of two methods: cardiorespiratory monitoring (4 channels, held monitoring device «Kardiotekhnika-07», «Incart», Russian, and computer pulse oximetry device PulseOx 7500, SPO medical, Israel) included 70 patients (70% men and 30% of women), mean age 55,5±11,2 years. The sensitivity of the computed pulse oximetry in detecting disorders of breathing during sleep (number of episodes of more than 5 per hour, reducing the saturation of more than 3%) was 94,4%; specificity - 79,2%; positive predictive value - 91,1%; negative - 86,4%; accuracy - 87,7%. In a screening study included every fifth patient entering the Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex MH of the Russian Federation. Patients of the departments of cardiovascular surgery, emergency cardiology department of chronic heart failure, patients with respiratory diseases COPD, asthma were excluded. Statistical analysis included 206 patients. Median age was 68,4±13,7 years, BMI - 32,9±5,5 kg/m2, 43,6% of men and 56,3% of women. From 5 to 15 events per hour was observed in 31,1% of patients, from 15 to 30 events/h - 31,1% and more than 30 events per hour - 23,9%. Thus, respiratory disorders of varying severity were in 77,4% randomly sampled in the study patients.