Restauro Archeologico (Nov 2020)
Criteri e tecniche per la conoscenza storica e costruttiva dei monumenti. Il caso studio del Chiostro dei Voti del complesso della SS. Annunziata di Firenze
This article describes the advanced diagnostic technologies, which are thermography and georadar, intended for the inspection of masonry walls and the ground, and their application to the investigation of an important structure of the Heritage of Florence, Italy. Both these technologies were conceived and designed for non-contact operations in order to avoid damage to the surface. My case study is the Chiostro dei Voti of the Santissima Annunziata complex in Florence, which is one of the most important architectures in the city. The cloister dates back to the 15th century by Michelozzo. It underwent many stylistic and structural changes during the restorations of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The investigation was aimed at finding evidence of the changes made by the restoration work and the impact on the physical conservation of the historical complex.