Oléagineux, Corps gras, Lipides (Jan 2006)
Anti-oxydants d’origine alimentaire : diversité, modes d’action anti-oxydante, interactions
Antioxidants of food origin (tocopherols, carotenoids, ascorbate, polyphenols) exert synergistic (tocopherols and ascorbate, carotenoids and ascorbate) or complementary (tocopherols ands carotenoids, ascorbate and polyphenols) antioxidant actions. It is strongly suggest that high (supranutritional) intakes of tocopherols and carotenoids may turn out to be deleterious if it is not balanced by ascorbate and/or polyphenols adequate intakes, or in ascorbate and polyphenols deficiency which particularly takes place in tabagism or in cases of low fruit/vegetable consumption.