Jisuanji kexue yu tansuo (Jul 2022)
Multidimensional Information-Based Web Service Representation Method
With the development of service-oriented architecture (SOA) technology, the amount of Web service is increasing. Clustering or classifying Web services correctly are an effective way to improve the quality of Web service discovery and the efficiency of Web service composition. However, the existing Web service modeling methods (such as latent Dirichlet allocation topic model) are difficult to obtain accurate and effective Web service representation from a sparse Web service dataset for Web service clustering. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a multi-dimensional information-based Web service representation method (MISR). First, it generates word vectors which contain topic and semantic information implicit in Web service description with Gaussian mixture model and Word2Vec. Then, the MISR algorithm combines tag-word relationship, popularity, and co-occurrence information together for generating multi-dimensional information Web service representation. Web service clustering and Web service classification are used for evaluating the effectiveness of MISR. Based on a real-world dataset of API services, the experiment results show that compared with LDA, Word2Vec, Doc2Vec, WT-LDA, HDP-SOM, GWSC, the proposed method has 38.8%, 54.5%, 15.3%, 33.3%, 44.7%, 9.7% improvement in Micro-F1 value.