Ринкова економіка: сучасна теорія і практика управління (Mar 2016)
The research subject is a range of sea trade port strategy elements. The purpose of the article is to substantiate concept for management strategy development. The methods of the research are system approach, problem-solving, theoretical and empirical methods, such as system analysis, analogy, abstraction, induction, deduction theory building. The necessity of the long-term strategy formulation with the attraction of all stakeholders of the sea trade ports is approved; the key indicators of the sea port strategy are presented; the utility of use the corporate management tools, such as mergers and acquisitions; the terminology of “sea trade port strategic management” is specified; the typical organizational structure of the Ukrainian sea trade part is analyzed. The practical value of research results is visible for the sea trade ports managers, as well as for the managerial consulting, namely under the formulation of development strategy, introducing of the mechanism of corporatization, during the monitoring of the management system and tools effectiveness. Ports of the developed countries are concentrated on the cooperation with emerging countries through cross ownership and financial participation. Measuring of the port effectiveness should include qualitative indicators. Organization quality includes planning, port information systems, competition and coordination between ports. Long-term planning should be oriented on the innovations and be more creative, that technocratic. Attraction of all the stakeholders for vision formulating will improve the port role. Ukrainian sea trade ports must developed the obligatory development plan that is concentrated on the reconstruction measures mainly and is not related to the development perspectives from world competitiveness view. Strategy is defined as vision formulating and choice of the realization priorities in the framework of management system that consists of function, methods and organizational structure. Typical hierarchy of the Ukrainian sea port organizational structure and its double-subordination complicates management.