Revista Electrónica Dr. Zoilo E. Marinello Vidaurreta (Mar 2024)
Osteopoikilosis, clinical radiological case presentation
Osteopoikilosis (disseminated osteopathy condensans, stained bones) is an asymptomatic osteosclerotic dysplasia of uncertain etiology. The symptoms are very slight or absent, differing from the striking bone sclerosis lesions. The course of osteopoikilosis is benign and stable, its diagnosis is almost always incidental. We present the case of a 17-year-old girl with chronic pain in both knees, who was studied by Rx on her knees, observing multiple sclerotic lesions corroborated in the pelvis, proximal femur and lumbar spine. The inconsistency between such striking images and the scarcity of symptoms was interesting. Finally, the patient was diagnosed with osteopoikilosis. She and her relatives were explained about her condition, the consequences of this pathology and she was prescribed medical treatment for pain, and orthopedic consultations with follow-up were scheduled for chronic pain.