Recherches en Éducation (Nov 2016)

De la quête d’identité à la construction d’une véritable professionnalité émergente

  • Catherine Huchet



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Within the framework of our work of thesis, we have experimented, in a class of 4th year of primary school - 5th year of primary school of 25 pupils from 8 to 10 years old, three sequences of teaching literature in connection with the method known as of the “forced situations”. In order to do it, we have collaborated with a primary school teacher trainee who has implemented them. This experiment has revealed a strong commitment of the novice teacher in the tested sequences. The present article proposes to analyze the nature and the reasons of this commitment by examining what “formation in and by research”, via the implementation of the device of the “forced situations”, has been able to bring to this teacher trainee in terms of professional gratitude and emergent professionnalism.
