Социологическая наука и социальная практика (Sep 2017)
Social Cohesion in Public Discourse (Local Research Experience)
The concept of social cohesion is currently popular among the political establishment and the general public alike. Since the 2000s, various government and non-government institutions have been presenting the idea of social cohesion as a key benchmark of social development in their concept papers. A series of interviews was carried out to determine how and in which way general public perceives the concept of social cohesion. According to the results, general public sees social cohesion more as a regulatory trait of Russian society rather than a descriptive one. In public discourse, social cohesion is strongly connected to the common goals and interests that bring people within different groups (e.g. small communities or population as a whole) together. Social cohesion is defined as an ability of citizenry to unite in order to achieve a common goal. Shared system of values, moral and spiritual affinity along with legal and cultural identity are key components of social cohesion. In some cases social cohesion is connected to mental and behavioral traits shared by the members of society. Public discourse also presents social cohesion as an action, e. g. active assistance and support provided by the members of society to one another. Local communities with strong collective identity and highly developed communication (a village or a neighborhood in a small town) are considered to be the base of solidary society.