Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente (Aug 2016)
Vulnerabilidade física de parte do litoral leste do Ceará à erosão
This study presents the levels of physical vulnerability of coastal erosion segments, analyzed for 5 beaches of the coast of Ceará, in order to represent the reaction potential from the coast to the processes operating in the beach system and the effects of the use and occupation through a semi-quantitative approach. The levels of vulnerability and the processes of coastal erosion were established through integration of methodologies developed by Souza (1997; 2001), Souza (1999), Dominguez (1999), Souza & Suguio (2003), e Souza et al. (2005), also considering the particular characteristics of use and occupation, based on methodologies of Dal Cin & Simeoni (1994), Mallmann & Araújo (2010) and Projeto Orla (Brasil, 2006). Studies of this nature are important tools in the management processes and administration of coastal zones, allowing the indication of guidelines for a sustainable territorial development. It was possible to identify that coastal process and morphological factors, human interventions and attributes, as well as natural dynamics strongly influence the vulnerability of each beach. The results obtained show that areas which have very high vulnerability degree match the more urbanized cells and sectors, suggesting a more anthropic (man-made) than natural control over the vulnerability. The index of the vulnerability degree to erosion, after the application of the methodologies, presented the same result for each bounded cell. However, these areas require specific and integrated studies, which would allow understanding the conditions and processes acting on the natural resources, in order to seek solutions to minimize the problems arising from the improper use and occupation, aiming to reach an environmental balance. The application of the results recorded can subsidize the elaboration of spatial planning of the beaches monitored, since in most of them the urbanization is accelerated and disordered.