Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports (Aug 2019)
Single-incision laparoscopic herniorrhaphy with an abdominal lifting method for a giant epigastric hernia
The case of a 32-month-old boy with a giant epigastric hernia that occupied the entire area from the xiphoid process to the umbilicus along the linea alba is reported herein. The physical examination showed no bulging of the abdominal wall in the standing and supine positions, but showed a huge bulge when in a semi-Fowler position. Abdominal ultrasonography and computed tomography showed a muscle defect along the linea alba. The boy underwent a single-incision laparoscopic herniorrhaphy using the abdominal lifting method with a muscle hook and retractor. Dissection between the subcutaneous tissues and the fascia was performed after a vertical trans-umbilical incision was made and the muscle defect was closed with non-absorbable sutures on the lateral aspect of the rectus muscle bilaterally with the fascia joined together using sub-peritoneal knots. The wound was well-healed at the 6-month post-operative follow-up evaluation. To date, the hernia has not recurred. Keywords: Single-incision, Laparoscopic, Herniorrhaphy, Epigastric hernia