Zdravniški Vestnik (Mar 2008)
BACKGROUND Chest ultrasound (US) is well documented as a valuable tool for pleural diseases. US helpsto clarify the cause of pleural opacities, estimate the volume of pleural effusion and identifyminimal or loculated pleural effusion. US characteristics of effusion provide helpful informationregarding the nature of the effusion. Pleural diseases, such as pleural fibrosis,tumours and pneumothorax all display different diagnostic US features. Safe thoracentesisand drainage of effusion can be carried out under US guidance with a high successrate. The technique of US, which is safe and cost-effective compared to CT scanning, may belearned relatively easily by the pulmonologist and thoracic or general surgeons. CONCLUSIONS US guidance is recommended for every chest tube insertion, especially in the ICU patients.Appropriate US machine should be readily available in every trauma, ICU, pulmonologyand thoracic surgery unit