مجلة التربية والعلم (Dec 2013)

Synthesis, Diagnosis and Study of Natural Nano-Silica Complexes with Polyester Razin and Polystyrene - Butadiene

  • Tareq Mandil,
  • Mohammad Abd Al Kareem

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 26, no. 5
pp. 295 – 305


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ABSTRACT For the preparation of composite materials environ mentally friendly natural nano particle silica derived from rice husks has as streng thening of Iraqi natural materials in a ratio of(2, 4, 6, 8%) on the poly esterres in body and poly (styrene-co-butadiene) separately. Natural silica was identified using XRD and FTIR by measuring the proportion of SiO2 . AFM device was also used to measure the granular size of the silica nano particles. And the results of the study consistent with theoretical studies . Results also showed mechanical models composite. That added nano-silica of 6 % to poly esterres in body results are increase the impact resistance values ​​, hardness, and bending rigidity. As in the case of poly (styrene-co-butadiene) composite, the ratio of 2% is the optimized percentage of streng thening, which lead to increased values​​of impact, bending and hardness. these study also showed ability of natural silica composite mechanical properties to gives resistance to stress conditions during use .
