Jiàoyù zīliào yǔ túshūguǎn xué (Dec 2003)
圖書線上資訊交換標準之探究 A Study of ONIX for Books
由於網路購書的與起,出版社與批發商、零售商、書店之間,為了圖書資訊的快遠流通,越來越需要通用標準,ONIX圖書線上資訊交換標準遂應運而生。與另一電子書標準OeBF相比,OeBF著墨於電子書內容的標準規範,而ONIX則強調於資料的著錄與交換。本文即從ONIX的起源開始,介紹ONlX標準的發展與現況,並觀察圖書館界對此標準的反應。目前ONIX已成為出版社與網路書店間的溝通橋樑,並已完成ONIX與MARC間的對應,未來若能解決ONIX轉換成MARC而缺少權威控制的問題,將可簡化圖書館技術工作的負荷,並豐富書目記錄的內容。Since the Internet has grown as a popular place to buy books, the publishers need badly a standard format that can use to distribute electronic information about their books to wholesale and retail booksellers, and anyone else involved in the sale of books. ONIX,stands for Online Information eXchange, is one of such standard formats. This article describes the background and development of ONIX, also explores the library's role in the mapping from ONIX to MARC.