Polis: Revista de Stiinte Politice (Mar 2017)
Relația transformări democratice – continuitate valorică în țările spațiului ex-sovietic
This article is focused on a subject of major importance for society in transition to democracy - "democratic transformation relationship – value continuity in the post-Soviet space countries". Research objectives are related to democratic transformation systemic analysis of the relationship – value continuity at present of the former Soviet states, and identifying individual and the unique identification of this relationship in the Republic of Moldova. The main issues accosted by the author in the present study are theoretical content meanings of transformation; time’s feature of democratic change in past, present and future dimensions, correlation dimensions with continuity of value; current space capabilities from postcommunist democratic transformations in ensuring continuity of sociopolitical processes; the criteria by which democratic transformation-continuity relationship value; specific processes of continuity and discontinuity in the context of post-Soviet transformation. As peculiarities of relationship continuity – as a discontinuity of post soviet the author highlights: the conflicting character of continuity of accumulation and development of values in all spheres of social life; revival of national values as indispensable element of continuity without a rational and timely innovation processes; negative values specifics continuity and discontinuity positive values of the Soviet totalitarian regime in the new democratic; the post-totalitarian mentality on the continuity and discontinuity value of post-soviet type. A special place in the article belongs toMoldova’s experience in democratic transformations and their impact on the continuity of democratic values, the sociopolitical processes. The author demonstrates the deficit of concordance between political mentality, political behavior and democratic transformations in Republic of Moldova. This deficit is reflected in the contradictory processes of continuity over the years of the Republic of Moldova’s independence. At the same time, there are emphasized the commonand specific features of Moldovan governments and their impact towards democratic transformations and the continuity of sociopolitical processes. There is performed a detailed analysis of coalition governments make policy - ADR, EIA-1, EIA-2, etc. About the impact of democratic transformations over continuity of value.