Physical Activity Journal (Oct 2021)

Persepsi Karyawan Terhadap Senam Peregangan di Puskesmas Kebon Jeruk

  • Laras Sitoayu,
  • Tommy G,
  • Rahmi Kartini Pertiwi,
  • Pelita Juliana Gultom,
  • Nazhif Gifari,
  • Vira Herliana Putri

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 1
pp. 31 – 40


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Physical activity is beneficial for health promotion and disease prevention, as well as weight control, because physical activity increases the body's functional capacity by increasing maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max), body composition, muscle strength, endurance, and flexibility. Currently, the Kebon Jeruk District Health Center has a sports nutrition activity program, namely stretching exercises, in the form of audio playback in the puskesmas area by stretching for all employees. This study was conducted to measure the perception of health workers in the work environment of the Kebon Jeruk Public Health Center related to the stretching program that has been running, so that it can be used as study material in the development of sports nutrition programs. Data was collected using an online questionnaire adopted from the Instrument to Measure Health Promotion Model (HPM) Behavioral Determinants: Exercise Benefits/Barriers Scale (EBBS). The character of respondents who participated in filling out the questionnaire were 23 women and 11 men. The results of the study stated that there was a relationship between the understanding of the benefits of physical activity and the perception of stretching exercises in a positive direction. The conclusion of this studyis that the better one's perception of the benefits of physical activity and exercise, the better the type of physical activity and exercise that is programmed.
