Медицинский совет (Jul 2019)
Essential vitamins deficiency in children under one year
The article provides information on the main groups of vitamins and their effects on the child’s body. The negative effect of the macroand micro-elements deficit on the human body, both of the adults and children, has been proved convincingly. The essential triad of vitamins (A, C, D,) is the most significant vitamins for children under one year. This combination of vitamins ensures the safety of the combination and the possibility of mutual supplement of ingredients for effective formation of infant immunity, neuropsychic development, harmonious physical development and prevention of rickets. The vast majority of children under one year have an essential vitamins A, C, D deficiency, regardless of the nature of feeding. The Russian studies showed that only 45.6% of children have an adequate vitamin D level. It is also proven that children with atopic dermatitis have low vitamins A, C, and E levels.