Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición (Sep 2003)

Efecto de la extrusión sobre la actividad de factores antinutricionales y digestibilidad in vitro de proteínas y almidón en harinas de Canavalia ensiformis.

  • Nelson C Zamora

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 53, no. 3
pp. 293 – 298


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RESUMEN. Se evaluó el efecto del tratamiento de extrusión (155° C, 20% de humedad, velocidad del tornillo 75 rpm, velocidad de alimentación 205 g/min.) sobre la actividad de factores antinutricionales de Canavalia ensiformis. La digestibilidad in vitro de proteínas y almidón fueron ensayados. La extrusión no afectó el contenido de proteínas de las harinas (23%), pero disminuyó significativamente (P SUMMARY. Effect of extrusion on the activity of antinutritional factors and in vitro digestibility of protein and starch in flours of Canavalia ensiformis. The effect of the extrusion (155° C, 20% moisture, screw speed 75 rpm, feed speed 205 g min-1) on antinutritional factors of Canavalia ensiformis was studied. In vitro protein and starch digestibilities were assessed. The extrusion not affect protein content (23%) in the flours, but significantly (P < 0.01) decrease moisture content. The protein digestibility values were improved from 57.5 to 89.5%, these values were lower than casein (98.19%). The digestibility of starch values were improved from 37.7 to 53%. The protease inhibitors activities (trypsin and chymotrypsin) and α-amylase inhibitor activity were reduced by 95%. The haemagglutinating activity was eliminated as result of the high temperature employed during the extrusion process. The canavanine content in the flours were not affect by the treatment of extrusion.
