Revista Intercontinental de Gestão Desportiva (Jul 2020)
Analysis of the Strategies used by the Gyms Managers aiming to capture, retention and recovery of Customers
The objective of this work was to identify and analyze the profile of the health club managers and the strategies they use to attract, retain and recover clients. To obtain these data, a questionnaire was applied, prepared by the author, to 10 of the managers of the three large chains of fitness centers with units in the city of Belém, Pará, Brazil that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The questionnaire contained questions related to the manager's professional career, the academy where he develops his activities and his actions in the position regarding the capture, retention and recovery of clients. The results showed that part of the managers of gyms do not have any training in management, being the majority graduated in Physical Education. Customer acquisition is mainly carried out in marketing campaigns using social media. Customer retention strategies are based on holding special events/classes and providing the best possible service. In relation to customer recovery, telemarketing is the most used tool. In conclusion, it was found that managers need greater management skills and that the strategies used in their positions are based on marketing and good service.