LingVaria (Nov 2021)

Pozytywna autoprezentacja jako sposób uwiarygodnienia własnej osoby

  • Jakub Pstrąg

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 16, no. 2(32)


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Positive Self-presentation as a Way to Authenticate Oneself The article presents an analysis of public speaking in terms of the style of revealing emotions, from self-promotion to self-presentation. Performers show their (desirable) features, building their image and identity, but at the same time they influence decisions of the recipients. Self-presentation behaviours include all activities, both verbal and non-verbal, which, in addition to the persuasion potential, build a positive self-image of the sender and increase his/her attractiveness in the eyes of the interlocutor. The author of the article discusses some examples of such behaviours based on statements and gestures of public figures recorded during television programs, which are perceived as signals and indicators of interpersonal attitude and reactive behaviour.
