EPJ Web of Conferences (Jan 2015)
Study of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance in (p,p’γ) and (d,pγ) experiments with SONIC@HORUS
Last year, the new silicon-detector array SONIC with up to 8 silicon-detector positions was installed inside the existing γ-ray spectrometer HORUS consisting of 14 HPGe detectors. The combined setup SONIC@HORUS allows for a coincident detection of γ-rays and light charged particles in the exit channel of inelastic scattering and transfer reactions. As a first physics case, the Pygmy Dipole Resonance (PDR) in 92Mo has been investigated in a (p,p’γ) experiment at Ep = 10.5 MeV. Since specific excitation energy can be chosen offline in the coincidence data, the sensitivity to weak decay branchings of PDR states is increased. Additionally, a second reaction mechanism for the excitation of PDR states has been tested with the new setup. In a 119Sn(d,pγ) transfer reaction at Ed = 8.5 MeV, PDR states in 120Sn could be excited. Since this one-neutron transfer reaction is sensitive to the neutron single-particle structure, it could reveal new information on the microscopic structure of the PDR.