Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (Dec 2013)

Quantitative EEG evaluation in patients with acute encephalopathy

  • Aline Souza Marques da Silva Braga,
  • Bruno Della Ripa Rodrigues Assis,
  • Jamil Thiago Rosa Ribeiro,
  • Patricia Maria Sales Polla,
  • Breno Jose Hulle Pereira,
  • Ronaldo Guimaraes Fonseca,
  • Luiz Eduardo Betting

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 71, no. 12
pp. 937 – 942


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Objective To investigate the use of quantitative EEG (qEEG) in patients with acute encephalopathies (AEs) and EEG background abnormalities. Method Patients were divided into favorable outcome (group A, 43 patients) and an unfavorable outcome (group B, 5 patients). EEGLAB software was used for the qEEG analysis. A graphic of the spectral power from all channels was generated for each participant. Statistical comparisons between the groups were performed. Results In group A, spectral analysis revealed spectral peaks (theta and alpha frequency bands) in 84% (38/45) of the patients. In group B, a spectral peak in the delta frequency range was detected in one patient. The remainder of the patients in both groups did not present spectral peaks. Statistical analysis showed lower frequencies recorded from the posterior electrodes in group B patients. Conclusion qEEG may be useful in the evaluations of patients with AEs by assisting with the prognostic determination.
