Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta: Univerzitet u Beogradu (Jan 2011)
Beech and fir association (Abieti-Fagetum serpentinicum Beus 1980) on Suvobor
The association of beech and fir was researched on Mt. Suvobor, on serpentinite bedrock. In the past, the beech and fir forest on Suvobor was not studied, it was just referred to, so the objective of this paper was to study the floristic characteristics of this forest, which will enable its ecological-vegetational differentiation and widen the knowledge on beech and fir associations on serpentinites. The studied plant community is characterised by poor floristic composition and by the absolute domination of fir in the tree layer. In the life form spectrum, the dominant plants are phanerophytes, and the percentage of geophytes is increased, which points out the mesophilous plant community. The spectrum of floral elements indicates the dominance of the Central-European floral element, but also a significant percentage of some more xerophilous elements, which is the consequence of a specific parent rock.