Veterinaria (Jun 2015)
ARTIFICIAL BREEDING OF NERETVA SOFTMOUTH TROUT (Salmo obtusirostris Oxyrhincus Heckel, 1851)
The paper presents an artificial breeding of softmouth trout (Salmo obtusirostris oxyrhynchus), which is one of the endemic species of fish Neretva basin and which is on the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as endangered species facing extinction. Production of fry softmouth trout intended for restocking is very complex and complicated process, and in this paper, which is based on long experience in artificial breeding softmouth trout, we want to contribute to the conservation and breeding of native salmonid fish and aquaculture development of BiH. The paper describes the production technology and production phase, diet and food as well as the application of preventive and therapeutic measures in production. Key word - softmouth trout, artificial breeding, preventive and therapeutic measures