فیزیولوژی محیطی گیاهی (Jun 2009)
Extraction and compare of Oleuropin compound in olea europaea L. in three province state of Gilan, Tehran and Fars
Phenolic compounds in Olive fruits are important factors to consider in order to evaluate the quality of virgin Olive oil. Several studies concerning phenolic compounds in the Olive have already been carried out. Oleuropein, have pharmacological properties which have a antibiotic and antiviral effects. In this research, we study about determination of oleuropein in leaf and fruits of Olea europaea L. from three province of Gilan, Tehran and Fars are colected. After collection of samples in every months for leaves and fruits from June up to December, samples are dried and Extraction was with methanol and determinded by HPLC. In this study, oleuropein in leaves from three proviance of Gilan, Tehran and Fars are 39217, 33665 and 31311 ppm in January respectly, and in fruits are 35328 and 29740 ppm in July and 22095 ppm in September, respectly. These amounts shows that highest are in Gilan provience and Fars have a lowest.