IEEE Access (Jan 2019)
Construction of Cryptographic S-Boxes Based on Mobius Transformation and Chaotic Tent-Sine System
Over the last few decades, different mediums of secure communication use chaos which is demonstrated by some nonlinear dynamical systems. Chaos shows unpredictable behavior and this characteristic is quite helpful in different encryption techniques and for multimedia security. In this work, the chaotic behavior of the improved Tent-Sine map is conferred and ultimately a new method to construct substitution-boxes is proposed. This new method explores the features of chaos through TSS map and algebraic Mobius transformation to generate strong S-boxes. The S-boxes are assessed using standard tests suit which includes nonlinearity, strict avalanche criterion, bit independence criterion, linear approximation probability and differential uniformity. Moreover, the proposed S-boxes show excellent statistical properties under majority logic criterions such as correlation, homogeneity, energy, entropy, contrast. The statistical encryption results are demonstrate the better performance of the proposed S-boxes when compared with some of state of the art S-boxes including AES, Gray, APA S8 AES, Skipjack and validate the suitability of anticipated method.