Sortuz (Apr 2015)
Empresas Transnacionales, Desarrollo y Soberanía: Modificaciones Normativas
The strenghtening of the new institutions which are emerging within the framework of neoliberal globalization contrasts with the crisis or, at the very least, the substantial modifications and reinterpretations of other much more consolidated institutions. State sovereignty is one of these. The role of the State and the consolidation of juridical pluralism, the evolution of the concepts of internal and external sovereignty, the modifications generated by globalization in the internal order and International Law, the crisis of sovereignty and normative extraterritoriality, together with the emergence of new supra-state agents and reterritoriality will allow us to approach relations between States, transnational companies and international economic organizations with caution. The formal and informal networks of power created between the above subjects generate substantial guidelines for defining the judicial legislation within which multinational companies act with great vitality and, a sensu contrario, that which remains subordinated by mean of bilaterality to their political and economic interests.